Slaviša Lakić

Slaviša Lakić was born in 1983 in Bijeljina. He completed his primary and secondary school in Bijeljina, as well as the Faculty for Business Economy at Sinergija University, Department for Marketing and Management.

He has been the General Director in the "StandardPrva" Group and the Head of the Department for Accountancy and Tax Representation since 2015. Also, he has been Director of the company "Standard Labs" LLC Bijeljina since 2021, which deals with development of the accounting software "Perun".

He has been the General Director in the "StandardPrva" Group and the Head of the Department for Accountancy and Tax Representation since 2015. Also, he has been Director of the company "Standard Labs" LLC Bijeljina since 2021, which deals with development of the accounting software "Perun".

Slaviša LakićSlaviša Lakić

Copyright (c) Standard Prva d.o.o. Bijeljina 2024. All rights reserved. Legal services are provided exclusively by the Law Office of Vesna Stevanović or Miloš Stevanović from Bijeljina. Accounting services are provided by "Standard Prva" d.o.o. Secretarial and related services are provided by "United Development" d.o.o. Bijeljina.