Filip Božić
Filip Božić was born in 1997 in Bijeljina. He completed primary school "Sveti Sava" and Grammar school "Filip Višnjić" u Bijeljina as the best generation student and valedictorian. He has participated at more than a hundred competitions in the field of Maths, Physics and Programming and he won on all the levels, starting from the municipal to the republic ones. He has been a member of representations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia for many years at world and Balkan math Olympiads in Uzbekistan, Bulgaria and Greece.
He graduated at the Faculty of Maths at the University of Primorska in Slovenia with the specialisation from the theory of graphs, with the average grade of 10.00. One part of his studies was devoted to his development in China at the Shanghai University for International Business. He entered his Master Studies at the Oxford University (School of Mathematics), as well as at the Universities in Sorbonne, EPFL, Politecnico di Milano, Barcelona, Helsinki, Abu Dhabi...
During his studies, he got the scholarship from the City of Bijeljina, Fund "Dr Milan Jelić" and Ministry of Education of the Republic of Slovenia. He was the only delegate in the European Parliament of the Young. Within the company "United Development" LLC, he manages the investment projects and represents the client’s interests in front of the banks. He is a partner and an active associate in many international scientific and business organisations in the world: IEEE Entrepreneurship, BH Futures Foundation, OSSI... He won numerous prestigious awards and prizes in the fields of informal education, science and business. He speaks English and Slovenian.