Darko Gligorević

Darko Gligorević was born on 14th January 1990 in Bijeljina. He gained his Ba in Computer Sciences and Informatics at the Faculty of IT Technologies at Sinergija University.

He is currently Director of Software Solutions and Perun System at "StandardPrva" Group. Perun is a new software, which makes the everyday operations easier, gives new opportunities in book keeping and cares about the complete business of the company.

His previous experience was in Atos Insurance Company, "GRAWE" Group, where he used to work on development of the application for automatic generation and submission of the financial reports, as well as on maintenance of the existing application. He was a software developer in the company "itMedia", where he used to work on development of web applications for insurance and accounting companies, shops, restaurants, gyms and other business entities. Also, her was part of the team in Ugljevik Power Plant and Minery as IT trainee.

Darko GligorevićDarko Gligorević

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